• Consultation

    Initial consultations will generally entail a discussion covering the client’s needs, requirements, budget and design preferences. A site assessment and walkthrough will be undertaken; measurements, photos and details will be noted. After which the design phase will commence.

  • Design

    Either hand drawn or Computer Aided Design drawings are completed – landscape plans with a high or low level of visualization can be completed dependant on client preference and budget. Setout plans, construction details, sections, visualizations and specification documents will be provided if required and where necessary.

    Chlorophilia take pride in our horticultural knowledge, plant selection and planting plans. We use plants in a way that emulate existing natural surroundings and compliment the house that the garden surrounds. Completed planting plans and associated planting schedules give a run-down of planting locations/species within the garden.

    Note: the planting design process can be an entirely independent service to the above - particularly for clients with established gardens or with an already built landscape in need of plants.

  • Construction

    Chlorophilia is able to undertake construction of the landscape design provided by us. Private residential projects are usually completed by the team whereas larger more complex projects usually call for a larger team and external professional contractors to complete.

    We are also able to rejuvenate lacklustre gardens, gardens which require softscaping to get them up to scratch and general plant-outs and fill-outs

    Please note: we do not construct off designs supplied by other designers, firms or businesses.